Repair Season
Repair Season - Since long, trapping rain water has been a technique used by many to collect water. This has successfully been achieved by using trappers located at edges of iron sheet roofs. From the trappers, are connected downspout pipes to channel the collected water to storage facilities which may be small containers or bigger tanks. A tap is fixed at a lower point on the tank to allow access to the stored water. Unfortunately, living standards in Africa have compelled many to use cheap and poor quality products for water storage and collecting rain water. Due to negligence and costs of maintenance, many try to get satisfied with the little they collect. A hole on a container or tank, broken pipes, pots and faulty taps lead to loss of thousands of liters of water intended for storage. Fortunately, many faults can be repaired and at cheap cost. On Repair Season, volunteers are encouraged to repair their own facilities and extend a repair to closest friends' facilities hence storing water to use when dry reasons. I am primarily focusing on the however little, storage facility that people have in the community, am proving that there is need for a repair.