Clean And Safe Water


Solar Cup - Solar cup is a cup made with an idea to collect small quantities of water after being heated by heat from sun. Solar rays passing through a magnifying glass sees an increase in temperature to well above 100 degrees celcius. By passing small amounts of water through a small 'boiler' the water is heated to required temperatures thereby making it safe for drinking. Solar cup is dedicated to the African child below 5 years since (1)they are the most affected by water borne diseases. (2) The rate of boiling water through this method is somehow slow.


My Water Booklet - My water booklet contains (contents in My Water Booklet)

all the methods that i use to collect water. Since a clean environment produces clean water, I have included tips on how to make use of waste materials like plastic bags.Read more

Repair Season - Since long, trapping rain water has been a technique used by many to collect water. This has successfully been achieved by using trappers located at edges of iron sheet roofs.Read more

Water Channels (made from waste water bottles)- At least everybody has used bottled water. It saves time when one is not near home, for quenching thirst or even taking medication. Sometimes the waste bottles when not properly disposed can lead to environmental pollution. In this Project I am aiming at collecting the waste bottles and make use of them i.e making rain water trappers.Read more

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